Truth: Subjective vs. Absolute

Woke up this morning thinking (as usual), “What is truth?” Is truth subjective? One person’s truth may differ from another person’s truth, but does that mean they are both still …


Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.

Henry Ford

Sea Break

My boss told me to go down to the park & take a break…while he is paying me. I LOVE my job! (Taken with instagram)

Religion vs. Spirituality

12/18/2011 – Flood from FloodSanDiego on Vimeo. To all Global Studies students, or anyone else at APU (or anyone in general) who fell into this confusion of religion vs. spirituality …

Christmas Concert

fl 12/11/2011 – Flood Christmas Concert from FloodSanDiego on Vimeo. So remember when I had that AMAZING worship experience at church (The Flood) a few weeks ago? (If you don’t, …

Navy Homecoming


It’s a time-honored tradition at Navy homecomings – one lucky sailor is chosen to be first off the ship for the long-awaited kiss with a loved one.
Today, for the first time, the happily reunited couple was gay.

The dock landing ship Oak Hill has been gone for nearly three months, training with military allies in Central America.

As the homecoming drew near, the crew and ship’s family readiness group sold $1 raffle tickets for the first kiss. Petty Officer 2nd Class Marissa Gaeta bought 50 – which is actually fewer than many people buy, she said, so she was surprised Monday to find out she’d won.

Her girlfriend of two years, Petty Officer 3rd Class Citlalic Snell, was waiting when she crossed the brow.

They kissed. The crowd cheered. And with that, another vestige of the policy that forced gays to serve in secrecy vanished.

By Corinne Reilly
The Virginian-Pilot
© December 21, 2011