Borderland: The Border is Not a Line.
It’s a place. NPR spent some time driving along the US – Mexico border to document stories and photos of immigrants’ journeys. Their presentation is beautifully done, extremely informative …
It’s a place. NPR spent some time driving along the US – Mexico border to document stories and photos of immigrants’ journeys. Their presentation is beautifully done, extremely informative …
Startup Genome and Harvard Business Review both recently released articles, “Transformational Entrepreneurship: Where Technology Meets Societal Impact” (click the links to read it) on the movements in Technology Entrepreneurship and Social Entrepreneurship. Social Entrepreneurs …
Click the link to watch the video from this BBC News article. US presidential candidate Mitt Romney paid 13.9% tax on his multi-million dollar income – promoting a debate about tax levels …
This is a mass action idea, so the kind of movement we are building reflects the kind of world we want to live in. Where everyone is empowered to speak …
Another Day of Devastation 12:03am- I turn on my live streams knowing something bad is going to happen tonight. I had received a text earlier in the afternoon about numerous …
Many of you don’t understand (or want to understand) the importance of the Occupy Movement. The disorganization that is created from not having a horizontal leadership structure prohibits outsiders from …
Occupy our democracy!